Published Media Work and Recognition
Lian's work has been published online by various news outlets and websites including The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, the Travel Channel, USA Today, and the U.S. Department of the Interior. Many of her images have been used in exhibits, publications, and social media by the National Park Service. She has also licensed images to several companies. One of her photos placed first in the Culture category of the University of Rochester's Study Abroad Photo Contest while two other images received honorable mentions.
Lian has accomplished many videography projects. Some of her work for Joshua Tree National Park can be seen on their YouTube Channel. She has also contributed to videos at Denali National Park and Preserve, Mount Rushmore National Memorial, Katmai National Park and Preserve and for The Seneca Falls It's A Wonderful Life Museum. While in college, she won a Diversity Abroad Scholarship for study abroad with Semester at Sea after creating a short, personal video essay. She has received two Special Thanks for Achieving Results (STAR) awards for her video work from the National Park Service.
Videos best viewed in HD
During winter of 2015-2016, I spent several months leading dog sled excursions in northern Minnesota and I've been privileged to return as a guide over several holidays.
Have you ever wondered how Mount Rushmore was carved? Learn about the tools and techniques used in carving the mountain. The talk is given in one of the original sculptor's studios and includes demonstrations of the tools alongside of one of artist's working models.
Tortoise should only be moved if in immediate danger of being killed on the road. Learn the when it is appropriate and the proper technique in case you need to save a tortoises life.
A short, timelapse clip of the full moon rising - Joshua Tree National Park
Four minute video of compiled interviews with students partaking in an experiential learning intensive - Denali National Park
Travel Writing
Lian is an avid traveler who has visited over 30 different countries and explored the United States extensively. She enjoys writing personally for her own enjoyment and has also published two short articles for Matador Network.
Park Spokesperson at Katmai During Fat Bear Week
As the Visual Information Specialist for Katmai National Park, Lian served as the lead for Fat Bear Week 2021, Katmai’s annual celebration of success that culminates in a ‘March Madness’ style competition where public from all over the world vote to crown the champion. As such, she served as social media lead and gave several interviews to national and international media, including German TV, BBC radio, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal. She has also done several live programs as a ranger at Katmai on the live streaming bear cams.
Social Media
Lian has extensive experience contributing to social media for professional organizations. She has a track record of creating and implementing successful social media programs and campaigns. Her social media content for the various national parks she has worked for is often picked up and shared by larger outlets. Several posts have reached over a million in audience viewership each. She participated in regional trainings and webinars during the 2016 Centennial Campaign for the National Park Service. Aside from her social media work for the National Park Service, she was also a social media contributor while she worked at Points Unknown and The Seneca Falls It's A Wonderful Life Museum.